It’s another year and The Grassroots Aid Initiative is adding to its wealth of resources. We know about you and how much you’d love to be a part of the greatness we make here.

This year alone, we have been able to sink 5 boreholes and impact over 5,000 lives in 8 months. Don’t you want to be a part of this sweetness? You also get to hone your skills and learn more about fundraising and humanitarianism.

But you’ve got to be ready to add value because we don’t tolerate idleness. Such volunteers are removed after weeks of inactivity. We don’t pay our volunteers but the fulfilment that comes from impacting lives is enough a reward. What’s more? You also get to travel with us on our usual trips.

There’s so much but it begins with clicking here now as we would be shutting the gates once we get 50 applicants. Prepare for an interview and let’s wow you!